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A dog is a useful animals. ���� ������ �����̴�.
�� animal �ڿ� s�� �پ�����..??
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this / that�� ���¿� �ǹ�
Thiese are short, those is long. �̰͵��� ª�� ���͵��� ���.(����)
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�������� ����(not, never)
He want not to go there alone.
* wants
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�� This book is easy to read. �� å�� �б ����.
�� To read this book is easy. �� å�� �д� ���� ����.
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Be kind to old people
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���� ��� "She is pretty,isn't she?" ��� �������� �ڿ� 'isn't she'�� ���� ���� �³���? �´ٸ� �� ���� ������ ���ֽðڽ���...
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(�ٸ��� �ǹ̷� ���縦 �����Ҷ��� ohter�� ����.)
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He had her go. �� 5���Ĺ������μ� had�� have�� ���������ν� �翪����� �������ϴ�. ���� ��Ű��. ~�ϰ��ϴ��� �ǹ��Դϴ�. ���� �׳ฦ �����ߴٰ� �˴ϴ�.
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ����� �亯�� ��
It is book.(X)
It is a book.(o)
to�������� ������� ���
He ordered me to leave the room. ���� to leave�� ��������� ������ ������ �ƴմϴ�. ������� ������� ������ ���� ��������(OC)�ڸ��� ���簡...