�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ����� �亯�� �� It is book.(X) It is a book.(o)
�������? He [want] to drink something cold. -> [wants]
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���������� �������� �ǹ� A dog is a useful animals. ���� ������ �����̴�. �� animal �ڿ� s�� �پ�����..??
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�λ��� ����� �������� This book is easy to read. �� å�� �б⿡ ����. ������ To read this book is easy. �� ���忡�� To read�� ������ ������� ����...
���ľ��? This is the house that he live in. -> This is the house that he lives in.
to�������� ������� ��� He ordered me to leave the room. ����� ����� �����̰�, ���� �� ���� �ؼ��Ǵµ� ����������� �ƴѰ���?
�Ϲݵ��� �����Ͽ����ϴ�. �����մϴ�.
this / that�� ���¿� �ǹ� Thiese are short, those is long. �̰͵��� ª�� ���͵��� ���.(����) *These
����Ϸ�� ���� �� ���� �λ�(��) just now���� (���Ž���, ���Ž������� �� �� �ִ�~~..)�� �κп��� ���Ž����� 2�� �� �ֳ׿�..
��ź���� ������ How far it is!
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������ Do �����Դϴ� I do somewhere ���� ������ �Ѵ� ��� �����ִµ��� �� some day�̳� some time �� �Ⱦ��̴���...
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