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�λ��� ����� �������� This book is easy to read. �� å�� �б⿡ ����. ������ To read this book is easy. �� ���忡�� To read�� ������ ������� ����...
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���������� �������� �ǹ� A dog is a useful animals. ���� ������ �����̴�. �� animal �ڿ� s�� �پ�����..??
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������� ������ have ������ �ٽ� �����Ͽ����ϴ�.
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�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ��� What do you have?���� what�� �ǹ���, do�� �ǹ����� ����� ���� ������ ������, you�� �־�, have�� ����(�������� ��)�Դϴ�.
��ź���� ������ How far it is!
on Sunday / on Sundays I will go swimming on Sunday.�� �´� �����ΰ���?
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ��� What do you have ���⼭ have�� �������� ���ΰǰ���?
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���ô���� This Is that your father? ������ ���� �ƹ����ó�? (���ô����) Is this �� �� �����ʳ���?
one / another / the other Some people perfer a subway *prefer
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ����� �亯�� �� It is book.(X) It is a book.(o)
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