this / that�� ���¿� �ǹ�
Thiese are short, those is long. �̰͵��� ª�� ���͵��� ���.(����)
����Ϸ�� ���� �� ���� �λ�(��)
just now���� (���Ž���, ���Ž������� �� �� �ִ�~~..)�� �κп��� ���Ž����� 2�� �� �ֳ�..
������ ������
* ��Ÿ
-���ӻ簡 �پ��ִ� ���� �������� �Ǹ�, ������ �� ���� ������ �Ⱦ�����.->�Ǿ�����.
This is the house that he live in.
-> This is the house that he lives in.
"Was there - wasn't there - something wrong about her, Uncle Andrew?"
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ���
What do you have?���� what�� �ǹ���, do�� �ǹ����� ����� ���� ������ ������, you�� �־�, have�� ����(�������� ��)�Դϴ�.
����Ī ����� it
this / that�� ���¿� �ǹ�
A girl and her mother were coming; the one was twelve and
the other thirty-five
*��� ���� was�� ����...
�������� ���־�� ���־�
2��° �������� �־�� ��ġ�Ѵٱ� ���ٴ� �־ �Ϲ����� ���� ���ø� �˴ϴ�. �������� ������ ������ 5���ı����̹Ƿ� �־�� ������� ���� ���� �����Դϴ�.
��ź���� ������
How far it is!
on Sunday / on Sundays
I will go swimming on Sunday.�� �´� �����ΰ���?
He [want] to drink something cold.
-> [wants]
dare�� ���ؼ��� �� �� �ڼ��ϰ� ���ּ����� ���ھ��~!
��� ����� ��������
This book is easy to read. �� å�� �б ����.
������ To read this book is easy. �� ���忡��
To read�� ������ ������� ����...
one / another / the other
Some people perfer a subway
��(�), Clause�̶�?
���� ��� ���ּ���
������� ������ have
������ �ٽ� �����Ͽ����ϴ�.
������ ���ǹ��� ������ ����
�׳� �������� ����̶�� �����Ͻø� �˴ϴ�. ������ ���Ŷ� �������� ���ŵ���, ������ �������� ���°� ���� ���յǾ� ������ ������ �����ϰ� �Ǵ� ���Դϴ�. ������ ���Ŵ� �����ǿ�...
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ���
What do you have ���⼭ have�� �������� ���ΰǰ���?
�������� ����(not, never)
He want not to go there alone.
* wants