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�� This book is easy to read. �� å�� �б ����.
�� To read this book is easy. �� å�� �д� ���� ����.
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This book is easy to read. �� å�� �б ����.
������ To read this book is easy. �� ���忡��
To read�� ������ ������� ����...
one / another / the other
Some people perfer a subway
This is the house that he live in.
-> This is the house that he lives in.
��, ���� ������Ʈ Would rather/Had better�� ����
�� ��ǻ�Ͱ� �̻����ִ°���..
Ȯ�� �� �� ��Ź�����..^^
Can she play tennis?
to�������� ������� ���
He ordered me to leave the room.
����� ����� �����̰�, ���� �� ���� �ؼ��Ǵµ�
����������� �ƴѰ���?
2���� ����
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������(Subjunctive Mood)�� ����
ù��° had�� ���ſϷ�(had+p.p.)������ ù��° had�̸� �ι�° had�� have(������)������ p.p.���Դϴ�.
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just now���� (���Ž���, ���Ž������� �� �� �ִ�~~..)�� �κп��� ���Ž����� 2�� �� �ֳ�..
May�̿ܿ� ����/Ȯ���� ��Ÿ���� ������
������ can�� ����Ϸ� have + p.p.�� ���յ� �����Դϴ�.
����Ϸῡ ���� have�� p.p�� �����Ѵٴ� ������ ������� ����� ������ �ܵ����� ���̴� �����簡 �ƴϹǷ�...
(�ٸ��� �ǹ̷� ���縦 �����Ҷ��� ohter�� ����.)
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Be kind to old people
�ΰ� �ǹ��� ����� ��
���� ��� "She is pretty,isn't she?" ��� �������� �ڿ� 'isn't she'�� ���� ���� �³���? �´ٸ� �� ���� ������ ���ֽðڽ���...
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