this / that�� ���¿� �ǹ� Thiese are short, those is long. �̰͵��� ª�� ���͵��� ���.(����) *These
������(Subjunctive Mood)�� ���� ù��° had�� ���ſϷ�(had+p.p.)������ ù��° had�̸� �ι�° had�� have(������)������ p.p.���Դϴ�.
������ Do ���� ���� �����մϴ�. ������ �������� ���� �ٽ� �ٲ���ϴ�.^^
������ Do �����Դϴ� I do somewhere ���� ������ �Ѵ� ��� �����ִµ��� �� some day�̳� some time �� �Ⱦ��̴���...
���ľ��? This is the house that he live in. -> This is the house that he lives in.
������� ������ have ������ �ٽ� �����Ͽ����ϴ�.
������ "Was there - wasn't there - something wrong about her, Uncle Andrew?"
����Ϸ�� ���� �� ���� �λ�(��) �����ϵ��� �ϰڽ��ϴ�. �����մϴ�.
������(Subjunctive Mood)�� ���� ������ ���ſϷῡ �ص带 �ѹ� �� ���� ����
������� ������ have He had her go. �� 5���Ĺ������μ� had�� have�� ���������ν� �翪����� �������ϴ�. �׷��� ��Ű��. ~�ϰ��ϴ��� �ǹ��Դϴ�. �׷��� �׳ฦ �����ߴٰ� �˴ϴ�.
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ��� What do you have?���� what�� �ǹ���, do�� �ǹ����� ����� ���� ������ ������, you�� �־�, have�� ����(�������� ��)�Դϴ�.
to�������� ������� ��� He ordered me to leave the room. ���� to leave�� ��������� ������ ������ �ƴմϴ�. ������� ������� ������ ���� ��������(OC)�ڸ��� ���簡...
on Sunday / on Sundays I will go swimming on Sunday.�� �´� �����ΰ���?
one / another / the other Some people perfer a subway *prefer
�ΰ� �ǹ��� ����� �� �����ϰڽ��ϴ�. ���� ��� "She is pretty,isn't she?" ��� �������� �ڿ� 'isn't she'�� ���� ���� �³���? �´ٸ� �� �׷��� ������ ���ֽðڽ���...
(2)���� ���� �� ���� �ض� ���˾ƺ��ڴ�.......
��ʹ������ ����ǥ�� Ȥ��, in itself = in it's own nature �ƴѰ���....
��ź���� ������ How far it is!
to�������� ������� ��� He ordered me to leave the room. ����� ����� �����̰�, ���� �� ���� �ؼ��Ǵµ� ����������� �ƴѰ���?
������硹�� �� �� ���� Be kind to old people
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