������硹�� �� �� ����
Be kind to old people
this / that�� ���¿� �ǹ�
A girl and her mother were coming; the one was twelve and
the other thirty-five
*��� ���� was�� ����...
������(Subjunctive Mood)�� ����
ù��° had�� ���ſϷ�(had+p.p.)������ ù��° had�̸� �ι�° had�� have(������)������ p.p.���Դϴ�.
one / another / the other
Some people perfer a subway
������� ������ have
He had her go. �� 5���Ĺ������μ� had�� have�� ���������ν� �翪����� �������ϴ�. ���� ��Ű��. ~�ϰ��ϴ��� �ǹ��Դϴ�. ���� �׳ฦ �����ߴٰ� �˴ϴ�.
2���� ����
�ʹ� ����~
�ǹ��簡 �ִ� �ǹ����� �亯�� ��
It is book.(X)
It is a book.(o)
This is the house that he live in.
-> This is the house that he lives in.
������(Subjunctive Mood)�� ����
������ ���ſϷῡ �ص带 �ѹ� �� ���� ����
on Sunday / on Sundays
I will go swimming on Sunday.�� �´� �����ΰ���?
Have tou tried these ones?
Can she play tennis?
������ ���ǹ��� ������ ����
������������ �� he�� be�����is/was�ε� �� were�� ������??
dare�� ���ؼ��� �� �� �ڼ��ϰ� ���ּ����� ���ھ��~!
���ո���� ��������
��Ÿ�� �־�����! ����帳�ϴ�. ^^
������� ������ have
������ �ٽ� �����Ͽ����ϴ�.
������ ������
* ��Ÿ
-���ӻ簡 �پ��ִ� ���� �������� �Ǹ�, ������ �� ���� ������ �Ⱦ�����.->�Ǿ�����.
����Ϸ��� ���
��ź���� ������
How far it is!
�������� ���־�� ���־�
2��° �������� �־�� ��ġ�Ѵٱ� ���ٴ� �־ �Ϲ����� ���� ���ø� �˴ϴ�. �������� ������ ������ 5���ı����̹Ƿ� �־�� ������� ���� ���� �����Դϴ�.